White Woods Primary Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority for Bramley Grange Primary School . As an Admissions Authority, they are responsible for setting, on an annual basis, admissions arrangements that are lawful, meet the requirements of the Department for Education (DfE) Admission to School Code of Practice 2021 (the code) and where necessary and appropriate are consulted upon.

The setting and determining of admission arrangements for entry to school and the allocation of places follows an annual process. 

How to apply

For applications in the normal admissions round, you should use the application form provided by your home local authority (regardless of which local authority the schools are in). You can use this form to express your preference for a minimum of 3 state-funded schools, in rank order

Parents must apply for a full-time school place through Rotherham Council’s Education Admissions Office using the telephone number or email below.  

Or complete the online admissions form linked below;

Application Form

You will receive an offer for a school place directly from Rotherham Local Authority.

Please note, pupils already attending one of our nurseries will not transfer automatically into reception in the attached school (or any of our other schools). A separate application must be made for a place in reception.

Information about admissions on the White Woods Primary Academy Trust Website at:


Starting Primary School – September 2024


The closing date for receipt of applications is 15 January 2024. Places will be allocated based on your residential address on 15th January 2024

We consider any application made after this closing date as a late application. If your application is late you will be far less likely to get in to your preferred school.

If you do not live in Rotherham you must contact your local Admissions Team for further advice.

Any reference to primary schools also includes community schools, aided schools, academies and trust schools

If you submitted your application online you can log into your account on 16 April 2024 to view your school place offer. You will need to know your login details – the email account and password you used when you made your application. If you need a password reset, please ring us on 01709 823777 and we can send you a reset password link.

You can make your application here: https://admissions.rotherham.gov.uk/CitizenPortal_LIVE/en?ReturnUrl=%2FCitizenPortal_LIVE%2F

Transferring School During the School Year

Parents are advised to contact their child’s current Head Teacher to discuss their intention to apply for another school place before submitting an application. You can submit your application by completion of the Common Application Form (Transfers) available from the RMBC website

  • If your child has special educational needs please contact the school direct to discuss their needs so that we can ensure we have the correct provision in place for when they transfer.
  • Please do not apply direct to your preferred school. Completed application forms should be returned to the Rotherham School Admissions Team who will liaise with your preferred school.
  • If there is more than one child on your application each child will be considered on an individual basis. If a child is offered or admitted to a school it does not guarantee a place at that particular school for any other child/children in the family.
  • If you are not moving house but wish your child to transfer school please complete the Common Application Form (Transfers). It is possible that your preferred school will contact your child’s current school on receipt of your application.

If you are moving house please apply in advance of your move to reduce the risk of your child being out of school while your application is processed. You will need to provide details of your new address and when you intend to move. We may ask for confirmation of your new address.

  • If your child is moving to Rotherham from an address within England you should first contact the local authority where you currently live to make them aware.
  • If you are moving to another Authority you can apply for a school place through Rotherham’s school admission team before you move. You may wish to discuss availability of places with the Admissions Team in the new authority.

If your application is unsuccessful you will be offered a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.


The Admissions Team will record all in-year transfer applications and will forward your application via secure email to your preferred school for consideration.

Parents should be aware that each school is given up to 15 school days, from the date of receipt of the application from the Admissions Team, to consider an application. Because of this it is not possible to process any applications during school holidays and your application will be considered as soon as schools re-open. At busy times, and where other admission authorities are involved, it may take longer to receive decisions for your preferred school(s).

In-year applications are considered on a date received basis. Parents can make applications up to one term before the date when they would like their child to start at the preferred school.

Parents seeking a transfer of school in the following September can apply from the 1st May onwards. Any application for admission in the following September which is received prior to this date will be put on hold and considered as having been received on 1st May.

In many cases a child will transfer to a new school only at the beginning of a new term, unless there is agreement by all concerned that the transfer should take place earlier. Until the transfer arrangements have been approved it is expected that your child(ren) will continue to attend their present school.

Fair Access Protocol

In response to the revised guidance contained within the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code, the Rotherham Local Admissions Forum has agreed a Fair Access Protocol for the Rotherham area.

Transfer forms are available here: https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/xfp/form/1132

Further enquiries can be made here: https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/xfp/form/210

Or by telephoning 01709 823777

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, you can call us on: 01709 543 664