Promoting Positive Behaviour
Whole School Routines- Non Negotiable
- Clarity for all staff
- Consistency for all children
- Culture of high expectations
- School rules into practice
- Morning/End of day Routine
Have high visibility, being warm, welcoming, nurturing
- SLT at gate to welcome/say goodbye to children speak to parents. Visibility
- EYFS through main door – half in half out welcoming/saying goodbye children. Teacher taking it in turns
- KS1 – TM/AP through main door – half in half out welcoming children. Teacher taking it in turns
- Y1 – LF through door teacher half in half out welcoming/saying goodbye children
- KS2 – through fire doors teacher half in half out welcoming/saying goodbye
- High visibility of all staff
- In from playground routine
Calm, prompt, organised start to learning
- Line up on playground
- Line up outside fire door
- Teacher stands at fire door
- Few in at a time coat off in locker equipment out straight equipment ready straight to seat
- KS1 –TM/AP through main door as above
- LF through class door
- Walk in a straight line led by the teacher
- Classroom Organisation (Y1-Y6)
Maximising high quality listening, promoting independence, minimizing wasted learning time
- All tables facing forwards gap in between each table to allow teacher movement
- Small group table in a prominent position in class to pull misconception/teacher focus group
- Drawers in drawer units – independence get out what you need for the lesson.
- Books in baskets with monitors giving them out
- Equipment belongs to individual children they take it to intervention etc……
- No carpet sessions
- 100% Quality Listening
To stop the children at the start of a lesson, middle of a lesson, end of a lesson
- Say firmly “Stop”- Raise your hand firmly
- Say firmly signal with hands pushing down “ Resources down”
- Say firmly signal with hands pointing to eyes “Eyes on me”
Wait for all children to do each phase and say ….thank you for stopping x thank you for putting down x thank you for listening x
- No shouting out
All children raising hands to speak at all times.
Reminder phrase – “put your hand up to speak”
- All children seated at all times (Y1-Y6)
- Sitting correctly – Bottom Back Chair Tummy table
- Phrase “If you need to leave your seat put your hand up”
- Toilet( Y1-Y6)
- Hand up to go to toilet
- Toilet at break and lunchtime
- If need to go can, but not during the whole class teaching
- EYFS – Ask to go to toilet. Keep a watchful eye on who goes and how long they are there
- Positive praise/Sanctions
- Must all link to school rules
- Awarding of dojo’s – Respectful, Safe Kind only
- Warnings and cards linked to not being Respectful, safe, kind
- Explain why…… dojo you were respectful because…etc……red card because you did x you weren’t being respectful…..
- Playtime/Lunchtime
- Zoned
- One staff member in each zone with equipment.
- Not supervision – teaching how to play, collaborate, be a team, be safe kind and respectful
Class Rota for Fixed Equipment– Monday class with best attendance from previous week. A supervised zone.